diumenge, 11 de gener del 2009

People for peace


About 17:15, Marc was getting mad at the computer. The download of the video was too damn slow, and I was (with no succes) trying to finish my university work before going to the demonstration agaist Israelian attacs.

I left Marc at university's underground.

I didn't have with who to go to the demonstration, but going around by myself have never been a struggle for me.

It was strange to see groups of arabians screaming unknown words like we use to see in the tv, like people do in Palestine. And burning Israelian flags.

I wanted to show my rejection to israelian unfear violence, but i didn't wanted to take part in what it looks like (and maybe it wasn't) a show of (at least) a certain fanatism.

So I just walk aroud, half protester, half tourist; looking at everything and everybody like if I weren't all there. I missed my camera.